Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Seperation of PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO databases

The once combined databases PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES have been separated due to the fact that combined searching removes many of the limits available when searching within a single thesaurus. For example, when searching only PsycINFO users are given the option to set limits on the bottom of the search screen based upon age, population, language, etc.

These databases were combined when we had access to these and several other psychology databases through another vendor. If users still desire to search the databases simultaneously, directions have been provided on the intro page for each database.

Please note that the journals contained within PsycARTICLES are indexed by PsycINFO. Therefore, clicking on "Search for full text" links within PsycINFO citations will lead users to the full text articles in PsycArticles.

Please let me know if you have questions concerning these modifications.

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