Thursday, January 15, 2009

New database: IOPscience

IOPscience (Institute of Physics) now replaces the previous IOP Electronic Journals and Archive product.

This is a huge improvement, as IOPscience offers current and archival access for 89 journals compared to the temporary access to current material and partial access to archive materials offered by the previous product.

IOPscience contains more than 300,000 articles, from 1874 to the present day. It's been designed to give you easy access to scientific, technical and medical content. The content in IOPscience has been organized by more than 6,000 classifications using PACS and MSC codes in physics, astronomy and mathematics.

Users should be able to access these new full-text titles through Find Periodicals and Article Linker by 1-16-2009.

Monday, January 05, 2009

January eBook of the Month

Move Yourself will be provided with free, unlimited access January 1-31. Click here for access .